09/18/2023 - 16:37
騰訊 聯合 中國宋慶齡基金會 為青少年定製知識擴展節目《給孩子們的大師講堂》,邀請科學家、藝術家、時代楷模等各領域名家,為青少年分享趣味知識、個人故事、前沿探索,開拓青少年視野,激發其興趣和求知欲,樹立榜樣,引導青少年德智體美勞全面發展。中國文化研究院 榮幸獲機會與騰訊共同定製《給孩子們的大師講堂》(港澳版) ,作為優質學習資源,帶進全港以至澳門的中小學,為中華文化、國情和價值觀教育,獻出一分力。
Upcoming Events
09/18/2023 - 09:37
Everyone has their own pursuit of personal happiness, but few businesses invest resources to create happiness for the world. "Happiness" is at the core of Lee Kum Kee Group's mission, strategic goals, and culture. Embracing this purpose in the venture capital world, Happiness Capital was created to invest in startups and venture capital funds that share the same mission to co-create a happier world and to influence the wider investment and entrepreneurial community.
Upcoming Events
09/06/2023 - 15:03
Upcoming Events
09/05/2023 - 16:03
Our Hong Kong Foundation proudly presents the first-ever physical gathering of 2023 International Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference (ITEAC) in Hong Kong! Presented every four years, ITEAC is an international forum that centres on the design and construction of performance spaces and theatre-making. ITEAC 23 will focus on three themes driving dramatic changes in theatres: Digital Revolution, Environmental Sustainability and Serving Communities.