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07/08/2020 - 18:00
While governments contemplate or implement the exiting of Covid-19 lockdowns and the reopening of stalled economies, an early stage of asymmetrical normalization is apparent. Meanwhile, the global shortage of medical supplies during the early stages of outbreak has stoked concerns over supply chain security and triggered assertive nationalism.
06/18/2020 - 10:10
The past year has been remarkably challenging for Hong Kong given the double whammy of social unrest and the Covid-19 pandemic against the backdrop of unsettling Sino-US tensions, along with the impending introduction of national security law in Hong Kong. The Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) today organised the fourth session of ‘INSIGHT FORUM’ with Dr Allan Zeman, an astute entrepreneur with several decades of participation in public affairs, tourism, cultural and creative as the speaker. Dr Zeman shared his profound insights and delivered messages of hope and optimism pertaining especially to the city’s staying power in overcoming a host of challenges on both local and external fronts.
06/01/2020 - 19:00
With the Covid-19 pandemic largely contained in Hong Kong, and the gradual lifting of social distancing measures, the society has turned its focus on how to strengthen economic order. The Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) today organised the third session of ‘INSIGHT FORUM’ with Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Founding President of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences as the speaker. Professor Tsui shared his insightful views on the impacts and opportunities brought by Covid-19 to the local innovation and technology ecosystem, the unique advantages and potential of Hong Kong in scientific research to combat Covid-19 as compared with the international world, as well as the future development of Hong Kong on innovation and technology in the Greater Bay Area.
05/18/2020 - 17:00
Second session of OHKF's new ‘INSIGHT FORUM’ series that invites heavyweight experts to speak on a range of pressing societal issues, today the Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) has invited Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong to share his views on additional fiscal measures needed to jump-start the economy, turnaround business expectations, and promote the city’s long-term growth.