Mainland Expedition on Entrepreneurship & Technology 2018
申請表 Application Form

個人資料 Personal Information

英文名字 English full name
暱稱 Nickname
出生日期 (年.月.日) Date of birth (YYYY.MM.DD)
公司/機構/隊伍 Company/Organization/Team
職位 Title
電郵 Email
聯絡電話 Contact number
香港 Hong Kong
內地 (如適用) Mainland China (If applicable)
網站 (如適用) Website (If applicable)
領英 (如適用) LinkedIn (If applicable)
普通話能力 Putonghua proficiency
初級 Novice
適中 Adequate
流利 Fluent
所持有效旅遊証件類別 Valid travel document type
港澳居民來往內地通行證 (回鄉證) Mainland Travel Permit for HK and Macau Residents
護照 Passport
參訪高新區意向 (請排1 – 4,1為最想前往參訪之高新區)
Preferred technology hub (Please rank 1 - 4, 1 being the most preferred technology hub):
大連 (主題:軟件與信息技術) Dalian (Theme: Software Development and Information Technology)
威海 (主題:醫療器械與電子信息) Weihai (Theme: Medical Devices and Electronics & Information Technology)
揚州 (主題:智能裝備自動化) Yangzhou (Theme: Intelligent Equipment and Automation System)
煙臺 (主題:智能製造與生物醫藥) Yantai (Theme: Intelligent Manufacturing and Biomedical Technology)
你如何得知這次活動? How did you become aware of this event?
本人為過往MEET團員 I have participated MEET before
機構 Organization :
過往MEET團員介紹 Referred by Past MEET Participant :
其它(請說明) Other (Please specify) :

公司資料 Company Information

行業 Industry
中文 Chinese
英文 English
營運年期 Number of years in operation 年 Year(s)
產品發展階段 Stages of product development
研發階段 Research & Development
產品原型 Prototype
已進入市場 Already on the market
融資階段 Stages of fundraising
暫未考慮 Not under consideration
種子輪/天使輪 Seed round/Angel round
A輪或之後 Series A round or further
公司簡介 (可考慮包括產品描述、價值定位、目標市場、競爭優勢、收入模式)
Company overview (You can include Product description, Value proposition, Target market, Competitive advantage, Revenue model)
請列出你的企業成就 (如適用)
Please list your business achievements (If applicable)
請闡述你的未來三年目標 (如適用)
Please elaborate your targets in coming 3 years (If applicable)
請介紹一下你的企業主要管理人員 (如適用)
Please introduce the key management of your business (If applicable)
請分享你對這次活動的期望 Please share with us your hopes for this programme
與內地初創企業會面 Meet local startups
與內地投資者會面 Meet local investors
與在內地成功創業的香港企業家會面 Learn from established Hong Kong entrepreneurs
了解科技和創業的政策議題 Learn about policy issues on technology and entrepreneurship
與其他香港初創企業者交流 Meet other Hong Kong young entrepreneurs
其它(請說明) Other (Please specify) :
(可選擇多於一項 Can select more than 1 option)
Please elaborate how you will benefit from this programme
補充資料 (如適用) (可考慮包括短片(片長限於三分鐘內)、投售簡報、媒體報導)
Supplementary materials (If applicable) (You can include Video(no longer than 3 minutes), Pitch deck, News clipping)
(The English version shall prevail)
I agree to the [Terms and Conditions] of this programme.
I have read and agreed to the 《Personal Information Collection Statement》.