Mr. Hon-Kuen HO, BBS, MH


    Ho Hon Kuen is a highly respected figure in the field of education, with over three decades of experience in various roles, including secondary school teacher, vice principal, and principal. His passion for education is not confined to his professional roles; he has also been instrumental in shaping educational policy and practice, offering public advice and ideas that reflect his frontline understanding of the sector.

    Currently, Mr. Ho holds several prestigious positions. He is the founder of the National History Education Center in Hong Kong, Chairman of the Education Convergence, Incorporated Management Committee of Elegantia College, Chairman of the University of Hong Kong MACHS Alumni Association, and Visiting Professor at the Jao Tsung-I Institute of Cultural Studies at Shenzhen University.

    In addition to these roles, Mr. Ho is a prolific writer and public speaker. He is a columnist for the Hong Kong Economic Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Wen Wei Po, and Yazhou Zhoukan. His writings and speeches cover a broad range of topics, including student growth, family education, educational policies, and teaching professionalism.

    His outstanding contributions to education have been recognized with several awards. In 2000, he was awarded the Medal of Honor (MH) by the HKSAR, and two decades later, he received the Bronze Bauhinia Star award (BBS). Beyond his local impact, Mr. Ho's influence extends nationally. He has been reappointed as a member of the Hunan Provincial Political Consultative Conference and the National Overseas Chinese Federation. In 2023, he was appointed as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

    Mr. Ho is a visionary whose work has left a lasting impact on the educational landscape in Hong Kong and beyond. His enduring dedication to education continues to inspire future generations of educators and students alike.

    In addition to his numerous contributions, Ho Hon Kuen is an accomplished author with published works span across multiple genres. They can be categorized as follows:
    1. Published books: 《有教無懼》、《驕陽引路》、《是一場春風化雨》、《教育茶餐廳》、《全在教育》、《教育,過眼不雲煙》
    2. Scholarly Articles:《香港青少年價值教育再塑造》(出處:“文明同鑒與文化創新”國際學術會議暨第二屆深圳大學“饒宗頤文化論壇”)、《「根」的教育再香港實施的探索》(出處:2020年嶺南學術論壇「家國情懷與文化認同」)、《香港特區人權報告書——以教育方面作特別論述》(出處:針對聯合國人權事務委員會第129屆會議的議題撰寫) 
    3. Academic Works:《曾國藩家庭教育思想》、《危機與出路:香港特別行政區回歸前後中學中國歷史(國史)科》、《回歸二十年 ─ 香港青年政策何去何從》